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Texas residents, like their counterparts across the country, use their cars for practically everything – taking children to school, getting the groceries and getting to and fro from work, all requires the use of a functioning car and a driving license to drive the car. Without these, people will have to depend on public transport systems or cabs and both of these options cost money and are not time-efficient and this is what people have to rely on when they lose their driving license due to a drunk driving conviction.

Much has been said about the repercussions about a DUI/DWI conviction – the fine, possible jail-time and license revocation. Much has also been said about the long-time consequences as well-a conviction means limited employment, educational and residential opportunities as well. But what many don’t realize is the practical effects of this-not having a driving license means a person is deprived not only with a means of transportation but also their basic form of identification. This leads to an increase in daily expenses and can make it harder to make ends meet on a daily basis.

Lawyers at our firm understand not only the short-term but also the long term repercussions of a drunk driving charge on the record and help our clients realize them as well. Some may find fighting the charges the best option, while others may find alternate arrangements work for them. Everyone’s situation is different and therefore we give personalized attention and advice to our clients.

Though the charges may seem minor at the time, people with convictions on their records find themselves facing lengthier sentences with subsequent charges. This is why it is important to fight charges aggressively from the onset and lawyers at our firm can help.
