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Avoiding fights between your heirs over your estate


When you plan your Texas estate, you probably know what assets and property you wish to leave each of your heirs. However, that doesn’t mean disputes won’t arise. There are things you can do, however, to help prevent conflicts between loved ones.

Add a no-contest clause

Adding a no-contest clause to your estate plan could stop fighting in its tracks. It explicitly states that these are your intentions and that if anyone tries to challenge your will, their inheritance will be reduced to only a dollar. This is a surefire way to prevent squabbles because no one wants to lose all the money they’re expecting to receive.

Choose the right executor

Although it might seem natural to choose your eldest child to serve as executor of your estate, this isn’t the best idea. If children handle matters related to wills and probate, it could lead to fights with their siblings and accusations of unfairness. Instead, choose someone neutral but also known to your heirs. It should be someone everyone trusts so that things can be handled smoothly and fights don’t arise.

Openly discuss your intentions

Openly discussing your intentions with your family members eliminates the element of surprise. This way, everyone knows what to expect with your estate plan and what they will inherit once you’re gone. It might help to avoid arguments among your beneficiaries.

Regularly update your estate plan

Periodically update your estate planning documents whenever circumstances warrant it. Situations like marriage, divorce, remarriage, estrangement, the birth or adoption of a new child and death require updating your estate plan.

After you’re no longer around and your will is read, your family members should only focus on mourning you. Fighting will take a backseat.
