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Understanding the process for a personal injury case is essential


If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident and reside in Texas, dealing with your injuries will only be half the battle when another party is at fault. Whether you’ve suffered injuries in a bicycle accident, car crash or slipped and fell, filing a lawsuit will require you to move through a specific process. Understanding each phase should help make it easier to handle.

Meeting with an attorney and starting your case

The first stage of your personal injury case will involve meeting with an attorney and deciding the best way to proceed. They’ll explain the process and help you become familiar with the initial court papers involved in your lawsuit.

Discovery and fact-finding

Disclosing the facts associated with the case is performed next through “discovery.” Completing this stage helps ensure there aren’t any surprises. It can take the form of written discovery, document production and depositions.

Resolving a case before trial and settling

In several situations, a resolution may be found before the case goes to trial. When this occurs, the person causing the accident will probably pay a settlement to compensate for your injuries. If a resolution isn’t determined, your case will go to trial.

Going to trial

If your case goes to trial, a jury will be selected and testimonies from witnesses will be given. This part of the process will also include opening and closing arguments. The trial result provides a verdict and designates if the opposing party is guilty or not guilty of causing your accident.

Collecting your money and appeals

Winning your trial doesn’t end the process. You’ll still need to collect the money you’ve won. In addition, the opposing side may file an appeal and try to keep the situation unresolved.

Knowing these steps before you embark on this journey can help you understand what to expect and often helps make the process go more smoothly.
