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Some core estate planning concerns to focus upon now


Yes, we presently live in uncertain and challenging times, but America has done so and prevailed with manifest strength in the past.

Coping during an unprecedented period leads many people to fall back upon a core group of routine behaviors. Conversely, others seek to make changes in various parts of their lives that they feel have been neglected. Some necessary adjustment is sometimes perceived in the legal realm.

A recent Forbes article on estate planning underscores that. Its retirement planning contributor notes that, owing to the current health pandemic, many people “want to get their legal affairs in order.”

That is understandably a solid idea, especially in the estate planning realm. That is a complex sphere with multiple variables and spanning wide-ranging subject matter relevant to important life matters.

The Forbes piece endorses proactivity presently for individuals and families concerned that they have left key planning matters unaddressed.

At the same time, though, it offers this advice: Tap the brakes and solicit sound legal advice first.

In other words, secure candid counsel and, when necessary, tailored representation, from a proven and empathetic team of estate planning attorneys. Those professionals will best “assure what documents make sense for your situation and are legally executed.”

It makes sense for most people to either craft or update a will. The same is true when it comes to appointing powers of attorney to trusted individuals who can speak to key financial and health matters in the event of a planner’s incapacity or death. Other matters prime for consideration – e.g., creating an advance health care directive or establishing a guardianship – also come to mind.

Questions or concerning regarding any matter relevant to estate planning and administration can be directed to an experienced legal team.
