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Thanksgiving grocery shopping injuries


Thanksgiving is almost here, which means the holiday season is about to be in full swing. As you prepare for dinner parties and family functions, you are sure to take a lot of trips to the grocery store. While shopping at the supermarket may feel normal, it can sometimes lead to an injury.

Grocery shopping accidents are even more likely when there are bigger crowds and the weather gets worse. A simple trip to the supermarket can turn into a nightmare.  Read below for some important warnings, facts and tips about potential injuries while grocery shopping. 

Slip and fall

As it starts to rain more often, surfaces get a lot more slippery. You could easily slip in the parking lot or sidewalk outside the grocery store. When people track rain inside the store, you could even slip while shopping. With bustling and hectic crowds, liquids may spill from coolers and shelves, creating a dangerous surface on which you could slip. 

Falling objects

You know grocery stores become full of people clamoring for the most popular ingredients. With customers grabbing for items everywhere, objects could fall off of shelves and hit you. Stores may even overstock the shelves due to high demand. When groceries are stacked too high, they can topple over and hurt you. 

What to do

So what should you do if this happens to you? The first step should be to thoroughly document the incident. Take pictures of where your injury occurred and take notes of how you got hurt. Second, seek medical attention and keep track of any expenses. These two steps are crucial to ensure you get adequate compensation. For example, a man in Portland was awarded $1.6 million in damages because of a grocery store slip-and-fall accident. Finally, you should consider talking to an attorney and report the injury. 
